In marking the 40 year anniversary of when Hetrick-Martin Institute opened its doors as the nation’s first LGBTQ Youth Services organization, we have launched a year-long celebration. On February 28, please join us as we continue to uplift the voices of those we serve at our 3rd Annual Women Speak luncheon at the Marriott Marquis.
We’re proud of our organization’s accomplishments over the past four decades and the impact they have made in the lives of tens of thousands of LGBTQ youth. We recognize that we have not arrived at this hallmark moment alone, but rather through the often valiant efforts of people like you—our donors, board members, partners, advocates, staff, alumni, volunteers and young people.
While this special milestone is an opportunity to reflect on our history and achievements, it is also a time to look to the future. We fully understand and embrace our role and responsibility to continue to provide the highest quality services to the thousands of LGBTQ youth who walk through the doors here at 2 Astor Place in NYC; but we also recognize that the vast majority of LGBTQ young people living beyond the borders of our great city and state may never have the opportunity to join us here in our space.
That is why we remain unwavering in our goal of continuing to improve and expand our services to LGBTQ youth across more communities, both domestically and globally, so that resources are safely and easily accessible for every young person who identifies as LGBTQ across the world. We at HMI remain clear that growing up living your life authentically isn’t a privilege, but an integral right afforded to every human being —especially our youth.
I sincerely believe this is attainable, given the commitment we’ve witnessed over the past forty years, I am more certain of this now than ever. I also know there are many people who share our common interest in bettering the welfare of our young people and see them not as “at-risk”, but rather as “at-promise”; a promise that they can realize if they, too, are given equal opportunities afforded to so many other young people. Ultimately, I know you, too, believe this to be true.
This is why I invite you to help us achieve this ambitious and worthy goal by participating in our year-long celebration at HMI’s annual events and inviting friends, colleagues and others to join so that they, too, can learn firsthand the work we do. If ever there was a time to make this a banner year, this is it!
Thank you again for helping us reach this very important milestone. I’m confident that, together, we can continue to make a tremendous impact across many more communities and on the well-being of all LGBTQ young people.
With gratitude,
Thomas Krever Chief
Executive Officer