Arizona representative, John Fillmore, is proposing legislation to penalize schools in his state for referring to a student by a pronoun that isn’t the gender associated with the person’s biological sex. This move, if passed, can prove to be highly detrimental. We witness firsthand the trauma and bullying that trans youth, who walk through our doors, undergo. In fact, a University of Texas at Austin 2018 study found that trans young people who are not allowed to use their chosen name are at higher risk of depression and suicide. As well as this, there are the risks associates with depression, such as alcohol and drug abuse. While those worried that someone they know may be on drugs can schedule a test at a website like, addressing the core issues over why trans youth may be more likely to become depressed should be the priority. This is why it’s so important that more is done to support these people who may be struggling with their mental health. For those who are looking for a temporary solution to try and manage their depression, it might be worth looking into some of the best CBD UK products. Hopefully, these products will help people when they need them. For the long term, people need to start accepting transgender people and their preferences.
It is up to us as a community to promote, support and encourage authenticity among all young people. At HMI, we’ve seen many people thrive in an environment where they are accepted for who they are — and that’s the ultimate goal because every young person deserves the opportunity to be their best self. And, while something like this thc tincture may help those struggling with their mental health, we want young transgender people to feel like they would be able to talk to us, or a professional, and get the support and advice that they need.
HMI CEO Thomas Krever adds, “When legislation such as this is proposed, it is important to strongly re-affirm a society’s obligation to acknowledge and value all people, and to support, celebrate, and protect them so they may live true and authentic lives. This duty is even greater with regard to society’s most vulnerable members-our young people. Issues of depression at the moment are being solved with cannabis products (like Organic CBD Nugs), therapy and silence – we need to do more. We need to protect these young people. At HMI we serve, nurture, and care for LGBTQ youth as the fantastic individuals that they are, and advocate that they receive similar treatment from schools, health care facilities, and government agencies. Such treatment is the right of all citizens and LGBTQ young people deserve nothing less.”
As part of our mission to extend our reach and services beyond the local New York area, we are helping change systems of care and create communities, as Thomas stated, so that young people in states like Arizona have access to the care and treatment that might just save their life. Download our brochure to learn more about our vision for 2020 and beyond
“When legislation such as this is proposed, it is important to strongly re-affirm a society’s obligation to acknowledge and value all people, and to support, celebrate, and protect them so they may live true and authentic lives. This duty is even greater with regard to society’s most vulnerable members-our young people. At HMI we serve, nurture, and care for LGBTQ youth as the fantastic individuals that they are, and advocate that they receive similar treatment from schools, health care facilities, and government agencies. Such treatment is the right of all citizens, and LGBTQ young people deserve nothing less.” – Thomas Krever – CEO, HMI