Hello Friend,
You already know how much HMI matters, the lives it saves, and the young people who thrive because of it, so I’ll get right to the point: I want to make Pride about taking action. That’s why I asked HMI if I could send this note to everyone who hasn’t yet taken action in HMI’s Pride Match. (If you have, thank you!)
With changes in the Supreme Court and the erosion of hard won protections for LGBTQ young people, HMI’s success becomes even more important for every young person who needs them.
As far as I’m concerned, this is the easiest organization to get behind. That makes my request of you easy …
Before June ends, make a $25 contribution. That’s it. Just $25 to show your support. The PARC Foundation will match what we raise together before midnight on Saturday, so when you give $25 HMI will get $50.
I’ll make it even easier:
If you and every person on this list gives just a little, we can blow this pride match out of the water! Let’s show the PARC Foundation how proud we are of HMI and LGBTQ youth.
HMI will let me know how we do and I’ll be sure to thank all of you who join me today in making sure HMI gets every penny of this matching grant. Let’s show the world that we’re #hmiproud!
Wishing you a happy pride and sending you my thanks for your support.

Best regards,

P.S. It’s an incredible thing to watch how Pride takes over places like New York City, but when it ends and the flags come down, we must not stop taking action, making sure thousands of LGBTQ youth who need our support get our support all year round. We can do this. You’re on HMI’s email list for a reason. You know this matters. Make your $25 gift and we can make sure HMI is there for every kid who needs it.