Moving Toward Belonging – Part 3
Moving Toward Belonging – Part 3
Develop Awareness on the Impacts of LGBTQIA+ Mental Health on Workforces and Workplaces
Develop Awareness on the Impacts of LGBTQIA+ Mental Health on Workforces and Workplaces
This year we're especially thrilled to be continuing our focus on the Ballroom and Kiki Community as we celebrate cis, trans and non-binary individuals who are leaders and mentor in the voguing scene. We look forward to celebrating the diversity of all women and female-aligned people in a new way in this exciting and engaging event.
We're celebrating PRIDE all month long. Visit our page for everything PRIDE including a list of events and photos.
March with us at the Queens Pride Parade! First 20 youth to arrive at the meetup with receive a gift card.