Lourdes Dolores Follins, Ph.D., LCSW-R worked as a Counselor at HMI from 1995 to 1997 and ran HMI’s first-ever support group for trans* young adults. She went onto earn her Ph.D. in Clinical Social Work from NYU in 2003 and one year later, began teaching at Kingsborough Community College/CUNY where she eventually became an Associate Professor. Lourdes Dolores has received multiple honors including a National Institute of Mental Health (2008-2012) Minority Research Fellowship, a 2013 Angela Davis Award from Gay Men of African Descent, a 2015-2016 CUNY Chancellor’s Research Award, and a 2017 GLMA Achievement Award for her groundbreaking book, Black LGBT Health in the United States: The Intersection of Race, Gender, and Sexual Orientation.

Lourdes Dolores has published several scholarly articles and book chapters regarding the health and well-being of Black and Latinx queer, trans, and intersex individuals. In addition to her academic work, Lourdes Dolores’s creative work has appeared or is forthcoming in Rigorous, Watermelanin, Medium, Feminine Collective, Writing in A Woman’s Voice, The Writing Disorder, Sinister Wisdom, Gertrude Press, SLAB, Tahoma Literary Review, and elsewhere. She currently has a private psychotherapy practice working with queer, trans, and intersex people of color and is working on a book that both demystifies psychotherapy for those who never see themselves in books about therapy (e.g., queer, trans, and intersex people, BIPOC queer, trans, and intersex people, and BIPOC people) by describing what it looks and feels like, and humanizes therapists.

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