Alayne Rosales
Senior Director, Advocacy & Capacity Building

Alayne Rosales has worked in the non-profit sector for more than 15 years. Her commitment to social justice, education and LGBTQIA+ youth work, has led Alayne to a variety of positions including as a policy advocate, community organizer, and technical assistance provider. She has managed public and private grants, created tailored curricula, provided supervision to social work staff and graduate level interns, and engaged in policy advocacy strategies affirming LGBTQIA+ youth.

Currently the Senior Director of Advocacy and Capacity Building at the Hetrick Martin Institute (HMI), Alayne is responsible for the management and oversight of the Advocacy and Capacity Building department. Alayne joined the Executive team at HMI in April 2023. She began her tenure with HMI in 2016 as a trainer in the organization’s New Jersey location and over the next 5 years rose to become the Director of the NJ agency.

During her tenure in New Jersey, Alayne provided professional development workshops to a variety of groups including the NJ Board of Education employees, healthcare providers, Department of Child Protection and Permanency staff (DCPP), and other youth serving professionals. Alayne’s strong management and leadership skills were utilized in managing multi-year government funded contracts, managing multiple service sites in NJ, as well as organized agency fundraisers.

Upon the closing of the NJ agency in 2021, Alayne moved to the HMI New York office, where she served as the Senior Director of Youth Services. One year later, she moved into her current role where she is focused on expanding HMI’s visibility as a leading LGBTQIA+ Youth Advocacy organization, while leading the professional development offerings and consultation services through HMI’s Center for LGBTQIA+ Advocacy and Capacity Building.

Alayne previously worked at the NYC Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers and has also been a guest facilitator for Gender Spectrum. She has attended the People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond’s (PISAB) Undoing Racism Workshop, where she then became a facilitator for the Anti-Racist LGBTQ group.

Alayne is a licensed social worker and received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology from Rutgers University’s Douglass College and a Master of Social Work (MSW) in Leadership and Macro-Practice with a concentration in Administration, from Fordham University’s Graduate School of Social Service. She has served as an adjunct instructor, teaching “Human Rights and Social Justice” from the same program she graduated from at Fordham. Alayne received certification in SiFi (Seminar in Field Instruction) from Columbia University’s School of Social Work, where today she is an Advisor to Generalist Year MSW students.

Alayne, was born and raised in New Jersey by Filipino immigrant parents. She still resides in New Jersey with her wife, dog, and two bunnies. In her free time, Alayne enjoys cooking, bullet journaling, collecting and caring for plants, and interior design.

English, D., & Smith, J.C., & Scott-Walker, L., Morris, M., Reid, M., Lashay, C., Bridges, D., Rosales, A., & Cunningham, D.J. (In Press). THRIVE 365: A community-led, multicomponent health promotion intervention for Black same gender loving men. Accepted for Publication in Annals of LGBTQ Public and Population Health.

Sirota, K. G. (2010). Fun morality reconsidered: Mothering and the relational contours of maternal­ child play in U.S. working family life. Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology, 38(4), 388­405. Special theme issue, Mothering as everyday practice. Guest editors: B. Chapin & K. Barlow.